Feedback Thoughts
I think feedback is very important, whether its in your studies or in work it can help you to recognize mistakes and improve in all aspects. I read two articles this week relating to feedback and how you can use it, the first was 'A fixed mindset could be holding you back — here's how to change it' by Anna Kelsey-Sugg and Ann Arnold. This article related to my readings last week on fixed and growth mindsets, I found it interesting how they discussed that praising your child for everything they do can create a brittle and fragile person although that is what parents were told to do for years, it leads to a fixed mindset. They also discussed how people with fixed mindsets can struggle at work because of the new technological changes we see today. Naturally, people with fixed mindsets wouldn't adapt well to change because they shy away from challenges so I can see how it could affect you at the workplace.
Another article I read was 'Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it.' by Guy Winch. Fear of rejection can be a problem for a lot of people and it can limit you a lot, in this article he discussed how rejection can hurt no matter if its big or small, from someone ignoring a text to a spouse leaving you. He continues to tell us that in a study it was found that the brain reacts the same way to rejection as it does to physical pain. We don't help ourselves though, rather than trying to ignore it and move on from rejection our brain starts to become self critical and picks on ourselves. Ways to counter this are to cut out self criticism completely, that is definitely easier said than done but you need to check yourself whenever you notice that you are being self critical. Another way is to boost your self value, a good way to do this according to the article is to pick a few good qualities in yourself and write them down, this would definitely help to recognize your worth and value.
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