
Showing posts from November, 2021


 This week I started my prototype for the game I am creating, it went okay I had some difficulties with scripts along the way but I got there in the end.  I created a basic scene with a capsule as my player and boxes as obstacles to avoid along the course. I also added c# scripts for player movement as well as the camera following the player through the course.  The next steps for this would to design my level and have the player navigate around corners etc.

Game Decisions

 For this weeks readings I looked at the theory of flow state, this was very interesting and taught me a lot about game engagement. A flow  state is when a video game player is hyper focused and fully immersed in the game they're playing. Flow is a skill used by game developers to keep players highly engaged with the game for as long as possible. This is achieved by presenting your player with a challenge. The type of challenge you present to the player has to be dependent on their skill level, this is because the player will become disinterested if they can complete the tasks too easily while on the other hand they'll grow frustrated and likely quit if they struggle with the challenge because it isn't matched to their skill level. So once you have provided a sufficient challenge to your player you have gotten them into the flow state, to keep them there you must do a few things, the difficulty of the challenges must rise as the players skill set and understanding of the ga...


 This week I completed the GDD or game design document. This is a record of all the different aspects of your game, it features a list of sections including: Name Overview Backstory Enemies  Player defense & Weapons Goal & Victory conditions Art Style  Audio  Map Target Platforms Unique Aspects Similar existing ideas The main purpose of a design document is to get the ideas behind the game down on paper, it can also help if you need to communicate your idea to other people.